Most sponsors require a budget narrative, or justification explaining the calculations involved in coming up with the cost estimates. How to Prepare a Grant Proposal Budget for a 2 / 12. programs, and in our state the figure rises to 58% There are a variety of national grants designed specifically for youth sports purposes, such as improving sports equipment for leagues and helping children stay active in the community Spend the time to put some thought into creating a budget for your new nonprofit Program Example: An individual budgeted at an annual salary of $45,000 and working on the grant for 25% of his/her time, would equate with ($45,000)*(0.25) = $11,250 for the first year. you may need when preparing your SAMHSA budget 6. o o Utilities: $300.00/month (pro-rated 50% of usage) $150.00 x 12 months= o Repair/Maintenance: $50/month x 12 months= $600.00. BUDGET (25 points) Show that budget is reasonable to accomplish major project tasks and activities and that budget items are necessary to accomplish project activities. Search: R21 Grant Sample. Each test comprised dipping the sample 3 times into the same water Review all of NIAID's sample proposals here Fouda receives R21 grant Friday, May 15, 2020 Congratulations to Genevieve Fouda, MD, PhD , associate professor of pediatrics in the Division of Infectious Diseases, for receiving an R21 grant entitled, Molecular signatures of Sample Budget Narrative for use by Prime NGO and Sub-Grantee. The goal of a proposal is to gain support for your plan by informing the appropriate people Spells out exactly who provides and supplies what txt format - (4K) Sample Compensation Contract * Downloadable in Wisconsin Historical Society | Explore our historical Medical equipment 30-40% Preoperative and preliminary expenses 10-15% Mi (tt hlMargin money (start up expenses, cash Grants 101 Sample Materials Sample Budget Summary A. Personnel/Salary Costs $189,120.00 B. 2/2017. Total A. Write the budget narrative in the same sequence of categories as the line item budget using identical headings. Include the budget narrative to a grant proposal after the formal budget or attach to the appendix. Good grant proposals are routinely rejected due to an unclear or faulty budget narrative. The following proposals are pending: ABC Foundation $ 5,000 DEF Foundation 10,000 GHI Foundation 2,500 TOTAL: $17,500. 1. General Tips. However, it is essential to read the solicitation and the sponsors proposal Personnel: Provide employee(s) (including names for each identified position) of the applicant/recipient organization, including in-kind costs for those positions whose work is tied to the grant project. She is accountable for assuring that all project activities are carried out in a timely, cost-efficient and responsible manner. A Sample Budget and Budget Narrative for National Programs. Create each section of Budget. Sample Budget Narrative Contact Information: Grantee: nnn Contact Information: nnn Web: of the major budget categories that may be included in a Grant budget and provides references to the appropriate sections of OMB Circular A-122 (as revised May 10, 2004) where additional details can be Total: $10,000 per country. Other documents are templates and support document- Landscape tools Portrait tools How to Prepare budget justification ResidencyProjectCharter-OWOC.docx PortraitTools.docx LandscapeTools.docx how-to-prepare-a-budget-justification.pdf PART 1: PROJECT CHARTER DEVEOPMENT 1.) Wendy Beguelin, a postdoctoral associate in Dr Research Operations must review all sponsored projects grant applications and proposal submissions prior to submission to the agency The Microsoft Research Colloquium at Microsoft Research New England focuses on research in the foundational aspects of computer science, mathematics, EGRP is grateful to the investigators for enabling our Program to deliver this valuable resource , budget over $500K/year; approval for conference grant proposal; cooperative agreement, etc Important: As of the October 25, 2009 receipt date, the R15 funding limit was increased to $300,000 in direct costs 886 was suboptimal December 21, 2020 The Narrative The information you provide in the narrative, including the budget details, is what the Peer Reviewers use to determine if they recommend your project for funding. or lease agreements are required for each individual or vendor listed below and must be approved by the assigned Grant Manager prior to requesting reimbursement for services. Volunteer advisors from the community review and recommend grant proposals for approval by the CFNIL Board of Trustees. SAMPLE - Budget Narrative SAMPLE (NOTE: The Budget Narrative is the justification of how and/or why a line item helps to meet the program deliverables.) You may submit the budget and budget narrative using this form or in the format of your choice (plain sheets, your own form, or a variation of this form). 1. P r o j e c t D e s c r i p t i o n PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project is comprised of several different, but related activities: A. Grant writing is an organized process with various sections to fill up before finally submitting and securing funding. Search: K99 Grant Proposal Sample. Sometimes it is also called as budget narrative. Search: R21 Grant Sample. The sample line-item budget narrative shown below is provided as a broad outline. The line is calculated as follows: $40 x 3 training events x Sample Proposals NIH as an R01/R21 and fall within the upper 40th percentile; OR Casady School Oklahoma City, OK NIH funding opportunity Mechanism for Time-Sensitive Research Opportunities in Environmental Health Sciences (R21) May 10, 2016 by [email protected] The NIH National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases has recently published 18. The K12 provided NIH K series grants are generally mentored grants, however, the R00 grant, which can follow the K99 grant is an independent award Sloan Research Fellowship (2008), a Packard Fellowship for Science and Engineering (2008), an NSF CAREER Award (2009), Jim and Donna Gray Faculty Award for Excellence in For each line item in the Budget, please provide a brief description of how the requested funds will be used Personnel Executive Director (0.10 FTE) is responsible for providing oversight to ensure timely execution of the proposed activities. MN-249617-OMS Sample Application (PDF 1.2MB) Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program The Narratives, Schedules of Completion, Digital Product Forms, and Preliminary Proposal Narratives for recently awarded grants in this program are available online. Organize the figures correctly and appropriately. Nonprofit. ***** Personnel ; Project Director Project Coordinator ; Annual : 10% FTE 100% FTE : B. No Match Required b. 6. A budget justification is a fiscal narrative of your budget. Cost of the project must be realistic. by Josh Fechter. Fringe Benefits program goals and the financial and grant application aspects of the organization. 16. A detailed budget narrative is required for all items within each category for which funds are requested. This grant application and proposal submitted by the Connecticut State Police focuses on The budget should be as concrete and specific as possible in its estimates. Internship Funding Grant Budget Worksheet. EXAMPLE - Budget Narrative Justification EXAMPLE (NOTE: The Budget Narrative is the justification of how and/or why a line item helps to meet the program deliverables. It is important to have a clean, professional, and great-looking cover page. The monetary amount listed in the WITH GUIDANCE FOR COMPLETING SF 424A: SECTION B FOR THE BUDGET PERIOD. State your need and fund allocation. ATTACHMENT E: SAMPLE BUDGET NARRATIVE ORGANIZATION XYZ Salaries (USAID: $0.00; Cost Share: $0.00) Organization XYZ proposes four professionals on staff. 2009. To see a sample budget, turn to Example #1 at the end of this handout. 7. Proposal narratives are typically 5-10 pages in length. The requested NRCS funds will be used to support staff, travel, supplies, printing and meeting expenses to develop the three watershed plans. Please note: This information is not collected for proposed endowment grants. BUDGET JUSTIFICATION This is a narrative description of all expenses included in the Budget Form. Budget Narrative/Justification Sample Format NOTE : Applicants requesting funding for a multi-year grant program are REQUIRED to provide a detailed Budget Narrative/Justification for EACH potential year of grant funding requested. 16. SAMPLE-Budget Narrative SAMPLE. I. Search: K99 Grant Proposal Sample. Sample Budget Narrative The University of Metropolis Personnel Project Director Dr Rebecca Wilks (12 months, 15% time) is the Director of the Office of Research and at the University of Metropolis. Grant Budget Revision Policy. The attached document contains the grant narrative and selected portions of a previously funded grant application. If appropriate, general office supplies may be shown by an estimated amount per month multiplied by the number of months in the budget period. Search: K99 Grant Proposal Sample. Sample Budget Narrative . Salary It is a comprehensive term that Proposal Development Timelines First thing you notice is that it takes a perfect score to get funded The proposals are all focuse Despite the discovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) over 100 years ago and the availability of effective drugs for over 60 years, there Despite the discovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Good grant proposals are routinely rejected due to an unclear or faulty budget narrative. Sample Grant Proposal Images Template Net. When preparing a budget narrative, take a detailed approach that scrupulously avoids assumptions. A. A. Below are 3 documents designed to assist in the development of budget narratives: 1. a set of instructions and definitions for budgeting. sample substance abuse grant proposal. probation substance abuse treatment program request for. Of these institutions locations, __ Step 1: Make a cover page and letter for the budget proposal. Here are some useful tips. The modular budget format is NOT accepted for . You can create whatever sections you A. Sample Proposal New Supervisor Training Program Provided by Resource International Your Company Logo To Your Name Manager, Your Company Address City, State delighted to present a new arts event/project/program entitled [ARTS EVENT/PROJECT/PROGRAM] to the [NAME OF FOUNDATION] for your funding consideration In 2018, we served 281 youth across both Dollars to Results. In this section, the Principal Investigator (PI) provides additional detail for expenses within each budget category and articulates the need for the items/expenses listed. Note: Federal funding CANNOT support grant-writing, construction, fundraising, or lobbying costs.) Compliance. Financial Management Best Practices Resources from. 15. EXAMPLE - Budget Narrative Justification EXAMPLE (NOTE: The Budget Narrative is the justification of how and/or why a line item helps to meet the program deliverables. Weve included some guidelines on what additional information particular sponsors require in the Annotated versions. Check residency project charter file for Question. Sample Budget Narrative The University of Metropolis Personnel Project Director Dr Rebecca Wilks (12 months, 15% time) is the Director of the Office of Research and at the University of Metropolis. Performance & Financial Reporting. Most Foundations ask for two types of budgets to be included in a grant proposal: 1. Match Required 7. R21 Sample Grant . Personnel Expenses . Identified a goal, developed S.M.A.R.T. The sample includes 468 participants from the general population, with ages ranging from 18 to 60 years RRD: Sept 1 Promos Applications; Paul B Writing NIH Grant Proposal Cover Letters VTRC 07-R21 9 Sample R01 and Search: R21 Grant Sample. Include the budget narrative to a grant proposal after the formal budget or attach to the appendix. Total: $49,318. Search: Sample Budget For Nonprofit Youth Program. No equipment costs are budgeted for Year 2 or 3. The key to this is presenting the grant proposal budget in a presentable manner that will make a good impression to funders. This document is only meant as a supporting and illustrative example and does not need to be used as part of the Healthy Tots Wellness Grant submission.) Submit annual reports on list of presentations, journal manuscript publications and subsequent larger grant submissions/funding (e Judging by the recently published letter, not every parent is fully satisfied with the way the school works, which means that changes might be in order R00 Phase Set the PI's appointment Strategy and Planning. Use these templates and B of the Budget Details Form for the FY 2018 budget period. Object Class Category Federal Funds Non-Federal Cash Non-Federal In-Kind TOTAL A. Personnel_____$45,000 . Consider including an exhaustive budget for your project, even if it exceeds the normal grant size of a particular funding organization. Make sure that your budget narrative reflects both your official NSF budget pages and the needs of the project. Provide detail showing how each line item was calculated. All of these grant writing services will help your nonprofit become grant ready gov can register for e-mail notification of grant opportunities by category and agency Casady School Oklahoma City, OK gov is the single access point for over 1000 grant programs offered by 26 Federal grant-making agencies It can also be used to enhance Annual Reports JAG - SAMPLE BUDGET NARRATIVE. Make every effort to be realistic, to estimate costs accurately. Search: R21 Grant Sample. Search: Sample Budget For Nonprofit Youth Program. Repeat the Numbers for Clarity. Provide how much time each position will spend on the project. Modular Budgets. 1. Advocacy Grant: Budget Narrative Sample* Grass Roots Supreme, Inc. Senior Anti-Predatory Lending Campaign Personnel as identified in the proposal. The sample budget narrative and detailed budget include one or two example items per cost category. applicable. This is basically what it sounds like: what supplies will your project need? Budget and Spending. 53+ FREE BUDGET Templates - Download Now Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word (DOC), Microsoft Excel (XLS), Adobe Photoshop (PSD), Google Docs, Apple (MAC) Pages, Google Sheets (SPREADSHEETS), Apple Numbers. However, before a grant is granted, a written request is submitted to the granting entity, such as the government, as an application for such funding. the budget and budget narrative. Banner Grant Budget Form. Pop-Out Guidance These are copies of the embedded guidance found in the Budget Narrative Template. We project a cost of $40 per trainee for each two-day training event to cover food and local travel reimbursement. Do not provide costs to be supported through other sources of funding. Budget Narrative: SAMPLE for AmeriCorps applicants (Not intended for replication) Section I. The narratives must describe the identified costs as well as their purpose and how they will assist with The Director, Eduardo Serrano, will provide direct technical assistance, project coordination, and management of the office. Search: R21 Grant Sample. ($65,000 annual salary; 10% FTE = Any category of expense not applicable to the applicants project may be deleted. section includes descriptions of each expenditure category, budget totals for each category, and rich text fields in which details about each category may be provided. It is the first thing a person examining your document sees, so you better put your best foot forward. objectives, specific outcomes, and a tasked timeline: Episode 6: Write Goals, Objectives, and Outcomes for Your Grant Proposal. Body Worn Camera Grant Application Documents. A lump-sum line item thats not supported by an explanation in the budget narrative is sure to raise questions, even for basic items.; Views: 23305: Published: 28.06.2022: Author: Search: table of content. A reasonable budget ought to have its items well described and quantified. Title: Grant Proposal Author: Unknown User Last modified by: Donna Hardina Created Date: 8/9/2005 5:43:00 PM Company: DellComputerCorporation SBIR and STTR grant applications, Check the sponsor guidelines to make sure of their requirements.; Views: 1605: Published: 0.07.2022: Author: Search: table of content. The narrative may include tables for clarification purposes. A CIG budget narrative has two parts: A table totaling all major budget line items (the major line items on the SF 424A are: salary, fringe, travel, supplies, equipment, contractual, construction, other, and indirect costs) by year. Never use the word Miscellaneous. Grant writing is an organized process with various sections to fill up before finally submitting and securing funding. Explanation of need for each line item in the budget with item-wise and year-wise breakdown has to be provided. Search: Sample Budget For Nonprofit Youth Program. Indirect Costs $0.00 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $349,332.00 Federal Request The budget request should reflect the federal PCA funding only. The sample budget narrative and the detailed budget should cover the entire project period of performance including the 18-month extension period. Sample Budget Narrative . (NOTE: The Budget Narrative is the justification of how and/or why a line item helps to meet the program deliverables.) When Big Brothers Big Sisters of Mid-Maine submits grant proposals to foundations, the group breaks down program income budgets into three categories: committed, pending, and planned. Sample Grant Narrative | MyMathLab | Page 7 SAMPLE PROPOSAL NARRATIVE This sample narrative aligns with generic grant requirements. 5 . (For more information, see the Grant Proposal Guide and the Program Solicitation.) As Connecticuts budget deficit continues to grow, the Connecticut Department of Public Connecticuts citizens and to enforce the states laws and regulations vigorously, fairly, and impartially. Budget/Narrative Page 9 References Page 10 Letter of Support Page 11 OCJS Sample Grant Proposal Page 5 . The information provided in the budget justification may be the Winning Grant Examples for Schools, Colleges, and Universities. Do not provide costs to be supported through other sources of funding. Winning Grant Examples for Schools, Colleges, and Universities. hour x 60 hours); $7,000 for Professor salary ($175 per hour x 40 hours); and $4,762 for supplies and duplicating costs. Position/Title Qty Annual Salary % Time Total Amount CNCS Share Grantee Share Project Director 1 $35,000 100% $35,000 $17,500 $17,500 Budget Proposal Template One of the essential steps in launching a new project or venture is requesting a budget to cover the associated costs Overview of approach Scrub the contract and (b) Excluding MB imports for quarantine and pre-shipment uses Explain how you expect the payments to happen (all up front, 50% down, It is easy to plan a budget but difficult to prepare one. This proposal requests $75,000.00 from NRCS. All proposals that meet the funding criteria are considered, with funding based on a composite score, moving from the highest to lowest scores, until all funds have been allocated. (Estimated costs are documented in the budget portion of this grant). Needs Assessment and Standards Institution serves an at-risk population in multiple locations. Sample Letter of Inquiry Note: This is a fictitious proposal. NIH uses a modular budget format to request up to a total of $250,000 of direct costs per year (in modules of $25,000, excluding consortium F&A costs) for some applications, rather than requiring a full detailed budget. proposal including journal articles, white papers, case studies, or other resources. Salaries for professionals are based on their current earnings. Grant Sample K99 Proposal . Banner Grant Budget Form. B of the Budget Details Form for the FY 2018 budget period. Project or Program Budget The Operating EVEN IF BUDGET NARRATIVE DETAILS ARE INCLUDED IN THE PROPOSAL, THEY MUST ALSO BE INCLUDED IN THE NOTES BOX. Sample Budget Narrative A detailed Budget Narrative of project expenses must accompany the budget form. Finalized a budget, to include identifying resources for any matching funds required: Episode 7: How to Write a Successful Budget and Budget Narrative of a Grant Proposal. Narrative Section of a Successful Application . Program Director currently oversees the program and will spend 100% of their time hiring, supervising contract. Below are links to the documents that were submitted by the Rochester Police Department for the U.S. Department of Justice Body Worn Camera Pilot Implementation Program FY 2015 Competitive Grant application. Financial Management Best Practices Resources from. The Budget Detail Worksheet will be used to assist applicants in the preparation of the budget and budget narrative. H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS $108,001 $112,551 $116,462 (excludes equipment and amount of sub over $25,000) J. In both years, she will work on this project 20% time (base salary is $69,000 in Year 1 and $71,760 in Year 2). Budget Narrative: Example Kurzweil Educational Systems. Search: Project Proposal Budget Sample Pdf. Search: R21 Grant Sample. Sample Proposal Budget . FY 2021 Agency Financial Report. However, the format is intended to demonstrate an effective method of submitting a proposal to a foundation for a human services activity. The total project budget, including match, is $150,000.00. Program Operating Costs . Provide a sufficiently detailed budget to show basis for cost items including a breakdown of staff and volunteer hours by task. Grant Budget Example. The total cost of carrying out the Sample Project is $666,933. Example Narrative This example is purposely generic, as budget narratives vary widely. this blank budget template illustrates a three-year grant budget, although grant periods can vary greatly and project originators should edit the template to this is an illustration of a sample detailed budget and narrative. 15. Supplies are where a lot of your items may be listed. 17. Grant narratives for a budget are supplementary documents to the grant budget proposal that provides space for the individual or organization asking for the grant to explain the process of computing the grant proposal, especially the budget and expenses that expands the description of each item of the budget line, sharing additional funding sources for the planned project. Salary for the K99 phase as of the effective date The lay summary and the proposal will may be helpful in writing the major goals of this project section Applicability: NIH requires that all trainees, fellows, participants, and scholars receiving support through any NIH training, career development award (individual or institutional), research In both years, she will work on this project 20% time (base salary is $69,000 in Year 1 and $71,760 in Year 2). Research Grant: Budget Narrative Sample* Rebecca Remington, Ph.D. is the Principal Investigator (PI) at the LaserSharp Institute on Aging. 2. a budget narrative template for use with proposals to federal sponsors. Planning And Writing A Grant Proposal The Basics. SO is requesting a two-year grant in the amount of $333,467 from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to fund the Sample Project outlined in this proposal. Budget Narrative . nu Ma al for By starting with Proposal Kit's templates and samples, you will be able to quickly and efficiently create your own winning business proposal Sample Proposal Submission Cover Letter NOTICE: This sample proposal is provided only as an example of acceptable formatting Certificates will be presented upon How to Prepare a Grant Proposal Budget for a 2 / 12. BUDGET NARRATIVE - OVERVIEW Proposal Preparation Assistance When considering what makes a compelling application for an EDA grant competition, the Budget Narrative is a great place to start. Budget Proposal Template One of the essential steps in launching a new project or venture is requesting a budget to cover the associated costs Overview of approach Scrub the contract and (b) Excluding MB imports for quarantine and pre-shipment uses Explain how you expect the payments to happen (all up front, 50% down, EXAMPLE BUDGET & BUDGET NARRATIVE Ver1: June 30, 2015 Budget Line Items . proposal narrative grant writing services for nonprofit. Search: Project Proposal Budget Sample Pdf. (10,000 characters maximum.) Research Grant: Budget Narrative Sample* Rebecca Remington, Ph.D. is the Principal Investigator (PI) at the LaserSharp Institute on Aging. Best Grant Proposal Budget Template to Win Grants. R21 Sample Grant . Program Director (FT): $26,596 x 100% = $26,596. As of 10/8/2015 Page 2 of 3 Narratives relating to each budgeted sub-category should be included in the Notes section shown above. As of 10/8/2015 Page 2 of 3 Narratives relating to each budgeted sub-category should be included in the Notes section shown above. Search: K99 Grant Proposal Sample. PROGRAMS OR SAMPLE' 'GRANT PROPOSAL BUDGETS Sneaker News April 29th, 2018 - GRANT PROPOSAL BUDGETS The Budget section is the backbone of the 18. Cost estimates should be credible and realistic. Proposals are scored using a standardized rubric by a team of independent reviewers. Budget Narrative . Detailed Budget Narrative. 17. Ignition grants can request up to S$50,000 Applying for Grants TRACS Grant Proposal & Project Statement Template using the following scale for each point in the scoring sheet A project life cycle is the sequence of phases that a project goes through from its initiation to its closure A project life cycle is the sequence GRANT PROPOSAL PROGRAM NARRATIVE .; Views: 23305: Published: 28.06.2022: Author: Search: table of content. In this module, learners areFree Samples The grant will provide up to $1 Individuals must be in mentored, postdoctoral training positions to be eligible to apply to the K99/R00 program We are grateful to A Funding Opportunity RFA-CA-21-006 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts Funding Opportunity RFA-CA-21-006 from the NIH Guide Write the budget narrative in the same sequence of categories as the line item budget using identical headings. Sample Proposal New Supervisor Training Program Provided by Resource International Your Company Logo To Your Name Manager, Your Company Address City, State Youth programs are offered through many different types of organizations, including churches and community organizations Name reservation: $28 The sample includes 468 participants from the general population, with ages ranging from 18 to 60 years RRD: Sept 1 Promos Applications; Paul B Writing NIH Grant Proposal Cover Letters VTRC 07-R21 9 Sample R01 and You may want to consider the following:Include cost estimates/descriptions of quotes obtained for any specialized supplies or equipment.Describe why the supplies and/or equipment are needed.Explain how the supplies and/or equipment pertain to your specific project and are necessary to complete project objectives. Researchers from across the country have generously shared their funded Implementation Science proposals for use as examples of funded applications only * Federal administrative requirements allow agencies to waive certain cost-related and administrative prior approval; these are known as expanded All of these grant writing services Show the math. Sample Budget. Program Budget 15. strategic plan for alcohol and other drug use prevention. The Microsoft Research Colloquium at Microsoft Research New England focuses on research in the foundational aspects of computer science, mathematics, economics, anthropology, and sociology The first concern has to do with eligibility to apply, which is limited based on the time since the applicants doctoral award Double check the figures. 4. Any similarity to actual persons or organizations is coincidental. The budget request should reflect the federal PCA funding only. 1. Be certain to customize your response to your specific grant application. People creating a grant proposal often mistake the grant proposal budget for the organization's operating budget. 2. It is a comprehensive term that Proposal Development Timelines First thing you notice is that it takes a perfect score to get funded The proposals are all focuse Despite the discovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) over 100 years ago and the availability of effective drugs for over 60 years, there Despite the discovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Our sample is a proposal from a partnership of community- Cover Sheet: See Sample Cover Sheet Narrative The Community Housing and Training (CHT) Program 1. A. The . proposal. Sample Project Budget for a Grant Proposal. This can include consumables, such as paper, printing costs, staples, and so forth. 1. Indicate how these numbers were calculated. Print the grant proposal on a new and clean page. Kurzweil Educational Systems. Contents . To help you with the grant budget making, here are some grant budget templates and examples. Personnel: As the XXX Police Department is in a rural area and has inadequate personnel to implant / create an Investigations Unit to improve and enhance rural area law enforcement investigative capabilities and investigation we will need to hire two additional sworn police officers. Program Coordinator (FT): $22,000 x SO has already secured a $300,000 in additional grant funding sponsored grant meeting to be held in Washington D.C. (Estimated costs are documented in the budget portion of this grant).

sample budget narrative for grant proposal

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